Thursday, March 6, 2014

Return of the Mack

If one were to take a couple of minutes to peruse my P&L, while simultaneously examining my life you would see something not wholly surprising.  The more focus I apply to my trading, the better my performance.

That being said, I need to do a much better job of being a student of the markets and getting in them every day.  Here are some tickers I am following, with my thoughts where applicable.  (Unless otherwise noted, all charts are daily charts and are from

CALL - If this can get going above $20, could do some running.

SWFT - Nice follow through on 03/05 of a breakout day 03/04 - Will be taking a position in this one.

BRCD - Looking for some follow through on yesterday's breakout.

MAR - Would like to see the hotel giant break out over that 54 level.

Current positions:

HTH - From $23.75
EME - From $43.32
MANH - From $33.98
FB - From $69.87

This material is provided for informational/entertainment purposes only, as of the the date hereof and is subject to change without notice.  This material may not be suitable for all investors and is not intended to be an offer or solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities.  Following me in trades will lose you money.

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